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Ohne Barrieren für Menschen im RollstuhlEingeschränkt rollstuhlgerechte ToiletteNormale Toilette vorhandenOhne Barrieren für Menschen mit Kinderwagen
Genuss & Harmonie
AddressLudwig-Erhard-Straße 30
65760 Eschborn

Opening hours

 Main entrance
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens outwards
Width of door91 cm
 ground floor


 Entrance to room
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens outwards

Toilet for the disabled

Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens outwards
Width of door93 cm
Space in front of the toilet150 cm x 150 cm
Distance to wall left, seated position12 cm
Handle on the leftfixed
Distance to wall right, seated position139 cm
Sitting hight48 cm
Top control110 cm
 Emergency call
 Basin wheelchair-accessible
Heigth lower edge72 cm
LocationIm Durchgang im Catering-Bereich
 Ladies' toilet
Width of door80 cm
Width of the booth door53 cm
LocationIm Durchgang im Catering-Bereich
 Gents' toilet
Width of door80 cm
Width of the booth door53 cm
LocationIm Durchgang im Catering-Bereich